- Compatible with EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 standards.
- Easy activation and installation.
- Smart design.
- Quality components.
- Support all motor types: One-speed, two-speed, and hydraulic.
- Support all door types: Manual, semi-automatic, wait-open automatic, and wait-close automatic.
- Support various call collection systems: Down collective, simple-collective, and A.P.B. (single-call).
- Provide a total of twenty-six software programs.
- Provide basic and advanced programming functionalities.
- Provide a user-friendly interface.
- Built in phase sequence correction.
- Built-in hydraulic and traction functionalities.
- Built-in fault and error diagnosis.
- Faults and errors are displayed on the LCD board screen, 7-segment indicator, and brand serial indicator (XD-S).
- Intelligent over-current (MTR) functionality.
- Intelligent fullweight (FW) and overweight (OW) functionalities.
- Intelligent parking functionality.
- Intelligent VIP (car priority) operation.
- Intelligent key code functionality.
- Intelligent lock error functionality.
- Intelligent car priority (VIP) functionality.
- Intelligent inspection mode functionality.
- Safety circuits by hardware and by software designed to control speed and direction systems to halt operations if any failures occur in the fork, lock, slip, stop, etc.