Elevator Control Boards

Elevator Control Boards

12k units/year
- Compatible with EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 standards.
- Easy activation and installation.
- Smart design.
- Quality components.
- Support all motor types: One-speed, two-speed, and hydraulic.
- Support all door types: Manual, semi-automatic, wait-open automatic, and wait-close automatic.
- Support various call collection systems: Down collective, simple-collective, and A.P.B. (single-call).
- Provide a total of twenty-six software programs.
- Provide basic and advanced programming functionalities.
- Provide a user-friendly interface.
- Built in phase sequence correction.
- Built-in hydraulic and traction functionalities.
- Built-in fault and error diagnosis.
- Faults and errors are displayed on the LCD board screen, 7-segment indicator, and brand serial indicator (XD-S).
- Intelligent over-current (MTR) functionality.
- Intelligent fullweight (FW) and overweight (OW) functionalities.
- Intelligent parking functionality.
- Intelligent VIP (car priority) operation.
- Intelligent key code functionality.
- Intelligent lock error functionality.
- Intelligent car priority (VIP) functionality.
- Intelligent inspection mode functionality.
- Safety circuits by hardware and by software designed to control speed and direction systems to halt operations if any failures occur in the fork, lock, slip, stop, etc.

EMC Certification in progress
Price ranges from 72 to 125 usd/set